Calendar of Events

Join us for this fun, informational class and learn to cup a selection of 4 teas using our professional cupping sets! We will discuss the processing and harvesting of tea, including the differences between each tea type. Also discussed will be topics such as caffeine content, how to prepare loose leaf tea, the differences between loose tea and tea bag tea, and more! The teas will be chosen the morning of the tasting.

Saturday, September 13th, 2025

10:30 am – 11:30 am

The Cozy Tea Cart

104 Route 13,
Brookline NH, 03033

Registration required at least two weeks ahead of time. Minimum of 6 people needed to run the tasting.

Cost: $30.00 per person. Please complete a separate registration for each person in your party.

Join us for this fun, informational class and learn to cup a selection of 4 teas using our professional cupping sets! We will discuss the processing and harvesting of tea, including the differences between each tea type. Also discussed will be topics such as caffeine content, how to prepare loose leaf tea, the differences between loose tea and tea bag tea, and more! The teas will be chosen the morning of the tasting.

Saturday, October 11th, 2025

10:30 am – 11:30 am

The Cozy Tea Cart

104 Route 13,
Brookline NH, 03033

Registration required at least two weeks ahead of time. Minimum of 6 people needed to run the tasting.

Cost: $30.00 per person. Please complete a separate registration for each person in your party.

We will discuss the difference between herbals and tea, the health benefits of herbals, and the historical significance of healing herbs. We will also discuss which parts of the plants to use, how to create your own blends, and how to properly prepare herbal beverages. Throughout the lecture, you will sample four different herbal blends.

Thursday, October 16th, 2025

5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

The Cozy Tea Cart

104 Route 13,
Brookline NH, 03033

Registration required at least two weeks ahead of time. Minimum of 6 people needed to run the tasting.

Cost: $30.00 per person. Please complete a separate registration for each person in your party.

Join us for this fun, informational class and learn to cup a selection of 4 teas using our professional cupping sets! We will discuss the processing and harvesting of tea, including the differences between each tea type. Also discussed will be topics such as caffeine content, how to prepare loose leaf tea, the differences between loose tea and tea bag tea, and more! The teas will be chosen the morning of the tasting.

Saturday, November 8th, 2025

10:30 am – 11:30 am

The Cozy Tea Cart

104 Route 13,
Brookline NH, 03033

Registration required at least two weeks ahead of time. Minimum of 6 people needed to run the tasting.

Cost: $30.00 per person. Please complete a separate registration for each person in your party.

In this lecture we will explore the early Christmas traditions in England — the first Christmas tea parties, teapot lore, and Victorian holiday traditions. We will sample four TCTC seasonal holiday tea blends throughout the lecture. Join us for an evening of tea and holiday nostalgia!

Thursday, November 13th, 2025

5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

The Cozy Tea Cart

104 Route 13,
Brookline NH, 03033

Registration required at least two weeks ahead of time. Minimum of 6 people needed to run the tasting.

Cost: $30.00 per person. Please complete a separate registration for each person in your party.